By Cassidy Thompson
September 10, 2023
So, you’re a freshman. Or maybe you’re new to Hoggard–either way, you’re looking for some survival tips. It can be rough out there in those crowded halls not knowing where to go, what clubs to join, how to cope with the stress, how to not get shoved in a locker during transitions, which bathrooms to avoid. You know, typical stuff.
Well, to save you some trouble, I interviewed five Hoggard seniors and asked them to share some of their biggest pieces of advice, and through their responses I came up with five tips that will (mostly) guarantee your survival at Hoggard High School. You can thank me (and them) later.
1. Beware of locked doors.
“Expect to be locked outside a lot due to the doors that automatically lock, try not to be in a class near an outside door so you don’t have to hear people slamming on it trying to get in all day.”
- Jason Smith
So, there you have it. Don’t get locked out. Don’t bang on the doors. It’s annoying.
2. Check. Your. Email.
“Check your email and make sure you fill out the parking spot form as soon as possible when it comes out in the summer! Life will be much more convenient with a spot in your junior and senior years.”
- Samin Bahn
I can’t reiterate this enough. You probably didn’t check your email much in middle school, but now it’s essential. From parking passes to teacher communication to school day updates to club information, it is vital to check your email every day. And be prepared: if you don’t fill out the parking pass form within three seconds, you’re doomed. So I’m sorry, but you’ve just got to get used to it.
3. Get to know the upperclassmen.
“Never be nervous to ask upperclassmen for help! Especially if it involves finding your way around the school. We all had to ask those questions at one point too.”
- Meredith Bath
Despite the rumors, most upperclassmen would actually be happy to get to know you and offer any help or advice you need! You may even get lucky and have a class with upperclassmen your freshman or sophomore year. Some of my best friends during freshman and sophomore year were upperclassmen, and I’m still friends with them to this day! So don’t be shy, I promise we don’t bite.
4. In the words of Shakira, “Try everything.”
“My biggest piece of advice for freshmen would be to step out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to try new things because you never get these four years back, and you never want to regret not doing something.” - Jayla Serret
Three out of five of the seniors I interviewed expressed this same piece of advice. Hoggard has so many different clubs, organizations and sports teams. If something sounds interesting to you, try it out! You may decide you don’t like it, and that’s okay! Keep trying new things until you find one or several clubs and sports that you enjoy. You could even try the newspaper club (cough, cough).
5. Hoggard legend: Shhhh…
“There’s a pool on the roof, but it’s only for the seniors on the swim team!” - Winn Godier
Is it true? Is it just a rumor? Only the real ones know. But please don’t climb on the roof.
Well, there you have it! Five tips to help you survive as a freshman at Hoggard High School. I hope you found this helpful, and if you didn’t, well, we tried. I wish you the best of luck in your first year in high school, and I am completely confident that you will succeed. Unless you bang on locked doors, that is.